Stole Your Heart: 1


Walking down the street, hands in my pockets, the feeling of the soft leather wallet I stole makes me wonder what it feels like to be rich, to not have a worry in the world.

Look, technically, I wouldn't say I stole it. I found a good opportunity since an old lady was bending down to pick something else up. I found it and decided not to give it back.

Why do I do this?

I donna know, because I'm mean and broke?

I'm 19, I work at a convenience store and I don't have a lot of money. My life is bad. My life is not that bad.


Another day, another Monday.

I usually walk to the bank because I don't have a driver's license or a car and put my earnings and stolen money into my bank account.

I walk up to Raina, a friend of mine who works at the bank. 

"Hey Emma. Deposit day I suppose. How's life treating ya? "

The worst.

"Good, you?"

"You know...the same ol-"

"EVERYBODY GET TO THE FLOOR! We're robbing this place so if we see anybody callin the police or causin a commotion, we'll be happy to shoot ya!"

Oh great. A wonderful day to be involved in a robbery.

There are 3 guys, all wearing ski masks and black sweaters. Cliche.

Good thing there's only around 10-12 people. Everybody gets down and the robbers walk up to Raina and her colleagues, threatening them into handing over money and keys to the safes.

Before I know what I'm doing, I find myself approaching one of the robbers. As soon as he turns to me, I punch him in the face. The other one next to him tries punching me in return, but I dodge. The other tries threatening me with a gun but I twist his arm and get a hold of his gun which....isn't real? It's a toy gun.

As I leave my few seconds of surprise, he frees his arm quickly and pushes me to the ground.

He starts approaching me with a sledge hammer which seems real enough, handed to him by one of his buddy robbers. Dang it.

"Come on, bud. I'm sure we can figure something out. Right?" I say nervously.

He still approaches me as I drag myself backwards while still on the floor.

"Okay. I know! You seem like a lonely guy and those so-called friends of yours don't seem like a good influence, I can be your friend. How's that sound?"

He approached me faster, looking even angrier. Ah, wrong choice of words.

I close my eyes shut as he's about to hit me, but I don't feel anything. Am I already unconscious? I open my eyes and see another man twisting the robber's arms and pushing him to the ground. He's wearing black clothing and a velvet jacket, his face is obscured from view because of the hat he's wearing.

He stands quietly while the robber falls down. The other robbers charge towards him but before they can get to him, they stop abruptly in their tracks and their eyes if they're in some sort of...silent pain, before falling to the ground. What in the world? What just happened? He didn't even touch them.

Just then, the sound of sirens fill the air and 2 minutes later, cops swarm in, getting a hold of the dizzy robbers and leading them out, handcuffed.

"Um, thanks for your help." I say as I stand up and dust myself off.

The mysterious man doesn't even acknowledge the statement and walks out.


Just then, Raina comes up to me and says, "Hey, thanks so much for helping. I'm glad you're okay."

"No worries, by the way, who was that guy?"

"That guy, Dimitri Harrison, is the richest man in town, they say he has powers, you and I did witness some of it just now."

"Oh please...magical powers?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds surreal but I think it's actually true. He never talks to anyone, he just lives alone in his ol' mansion on the outskirts of the city. He doesn't renovate it or anything, it's pretty broken down."

"I see....well, I'll get going now, I'll deposit another day. See ya."

"Oh, alright. Take care."

I exit the bank and slowly walk down the street.

My phone pings, two messages:

Loan Shark Guy: Hey, when u gonna give us back the money ya took? We told u we won't extend the deadline past this month. We been plenty kind. 

Aunt Carrie: Hey Em! When are you coming back? Peter was able to get some McDonalds today, come ASAP before Jack eats it all. XOXO, Auntie Carrie.

I shove the phone back into my pocket and close my eyes for a brief minute. Immediately, an image of the mysterious man pops up in front of me.


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