Expressed Emotions: 1 - Sadness

Tears streak your beautiful face.

Leaving like two streams 

They fall to the ground like puddles.

They keep on falling and falling and falling.


If I could just take a step closer

And somehow remove that pain

Remove the pain that stains that pretty face of yours.

I would've done it, no matter the cost.


But you won't allow me to be near you.

How it changed: one minute we were together

Happy and laughing

Nothing could break us apart.


The next minute, we're 5 feet apart.

But it feels more like 5 miles apart.

Where did the time go?

Of course, nothing good lasts long.


I'm always the one by your side.

Providing comfort when something saddens you.

It always hurts to see something cause you pain. 

But it hurts even more when that pain is caused by me.


  1. Based on the situation of this free-verse poem, can you come up with a possible cause (according to you) of why the narrator hurt the the person that means a lot to them?
    Be as creative as you can!


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