School Life: Runners Up, 1


16th August, 2024                                                                                                          4:30 pm

Dear Diary,

People say runners-up is good because it's better than getting no place at all. Sure....runners-up isn't all that bad, we still get silver or bronze medal or we get a slightly smaller trophy than 1st place and we have our name displayed somewhere. BUT it's different when you're stuck in the same place, over and over and over. It's not that I'm ungrateful or anything, I just find it disappointing....ya know? I work hard, whether it's running, debate, writing, painting, etc...I know just as much as she does...or I thought so, since I still end up in second or third. I want to get 1st place at least once...but obviously, Serenity works just as hard or maybe much less because she's just smart and always bags first place. I admire her, yet I'm also envious of her position, she's always first and also...almost too perfect. My parents never say anything, they congratulate me after each competition but...I always see a slight amount of disappointment in their eyes, like each time, they actually expect me to win. I do too, but hope is a dangerous thing, isn't it? It can either help you or hurt you. It usually hurts me, I work harder each time and I come sooooo close, but I still end up in second and sometimes third. 

Am I wasting my efforts? Maybe, I shouldn't take part, at all? That way, I won't have to be disappointed.

No, no, no, no, no. 

I can't lose hope, as much as I feel like giving up. I will try. Try harder and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to place first, somewhere, somehow in the future. I can do it, whoever my competition is, Serenity or anyone else. I'll beat them, just when the time is right. It's all part of learning, I'll just get better at it each time I try and besides, competing is sort In the future, maybe in this diary or maybe the second or the third, I'll be writing an entry about me winning and maybe that win will be the best win I've achieved in my life.



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