Expressed Emotions: 4 - Jealousy

You grit your teeth,

And place a fake smile on your face,

As you briefly shake my hand,

Gripping it hard before letting go.

I smile back,

As wide as I can.

Not to be polite,

But to spite you.

I won fair and square,

And you didn't.

Looks like blabbering didn't do you much,

Just a runners-up medal.

Obviously, runners-up isn't bad,

In fact, it isn't bad at all.

But it's bad for you,

Since you lost to me.

Envy streaks your expression,

As I hold up the trophy.

Your eyes narrow with fury,

As you slowly clap your hands along with everyone else.

I always like seeing your pride get killed,

The sour look that scars your face,

And the hint of jealousy in your eyes is fun to watch.

But it's even better, when the reason of that jealousy is me.


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