Expressed Emotions: 5 - Fear

You take a step back,
Something flashes through your eyes.
Something I can't identify.
Before I do, you immediately turn away.

I take a step closer,
But you back away again.
I have the control,
But you're holding the reins.

Why does it bother me?
That's you're not looking me in the eye.
It makes me feel uneasy,
That I feel the way I do.

Demanding has always worked for me,
People immediately do what I say,
I don't have to ask twice,
But the case with you is different.

I demand you to look at me,
You just stand still.
I demand again and again,
Slowly, you look up.

Again, I see something flicker through your eyes.
This time, I do identify it.
It's fear...that means you're scared,

I've got through to you,
You're scared enough to listen.
It's what I've wanted for a long time.
It's satisfying to know that that fear was caused by me.

I do want control over you,
But what is this feeling?
It's not satisfaction,
But....disappointment...or rather guilt?


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