First Friend

39 pairs of eyes in the room, staring right at me.

Looking around, I wondered where my presence would fit.

Then all of a sudden, one hand was raised and waving

I saw you patting a chair beside you for me to sit.


Having no idea where I was,

Where I was standing and what to expect.

A new environment, new rules, new people, it felt terrifying.

And still, I managed to gathered courage when I saw you smile.


Your smile felt comforting and your face radiated kindness.

Your eyes glittering with innocence and purity.

Your voice, soothing and assuring.

Your heart, sisterly and generous.


You had quite an exciting life of your own.

But you somehow sensed my fear and my unsurety.

And chose to help me,

To guide me and be my first friend in a new country.


I don't have any idea what I would've done without you.

It felt unreal at the time,

Too good to be true.

I was scared to think that you would somehow be pulled away from me.


But you were right beside me, all the way.

You formed a soft spot for me,

And stood by my side.

I was flattered that you would do so much just for me, someone you once barely knew.


Then the time came, where I had to leave.

I don't think I ever got the proper chance to bid goodbye,

To hug you tight and say thank you,

And tell you that I would miss you.


I will always be indebted and grateful to you.

Even when you're not here with me.

I will admire you from afar, in my head.

And will never forget your lovely presence, which I still miss dearly.

Thank you.


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