Expressed Emotions: 3 - Irritation

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Your eyes shoot daggers at me

From all the way across the room

I can almost feel them digging into my skin

But I stand my ground and looking directly into your eyes

Smirking definitely doesn't make the situation any better

But I do it, because I like seeing that look on your face

Your hands ball up into fists at your sides

And your eyes twitch ever so slightly

I quite enjoying watching you get annoyed

The frustration is cute

And so is that tiny flame that lights up in your eyes

Each time you get infuriated by my antics

Obviously, I count myself as the only exception

Anybody else who tries it doesn't stand a chance

I'm the only one who enjoys the special role

And it's not like I'd allow them to take it in the first place

Your friends drag you along with them

I'm a bit disappointed that our moment is over

But once again, you look over your shoulder and stick your tongue out

I wink and enjoy the fact that I was the reason for the spark in your eyes and the tiny smile that appeared on your face


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