A Stormy Night

“Boom! BAM!” went the thunder,

Loud enough to wake up the big black bears from their deep cozy slumber

The lightning danced across the sky

And dimmed the lights of the houses nearby

I rubbed my eyes and sat upon my bed

this night was going to be filled with dread

I silently listened to the noise of the crazed laughter of the lightning and thunder

How I wished to climb into her arms, alas...she was out of town, my dear sweet mother

I pulled my blanket over my head

And held my teddy bear tight to get rid of my fright

I was trembling like a leaf in the wind 

and sweating bullets in my bed

I looked over at my clock, it was still 11 at night

I heard a knocking at my door

Now who could that be?

It slowly creaked open, revealing my mother who entered with water dripping from her coat to the floor

“Mother!” I cried with glee

“Hello, dear. I decided to come home early after hearing about the storm. 

She hugged me comfortingly and I smiled, feeling swell

Then she went to the window and opened it, revealing an earthly and moist smell, I laid back down and sighed, relieved that this night had turned out well


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