Unknown Life...was it really a dream?

had finally completed my homework, finished all my chores and kept all my stuff back.

I sighed and dropped onto my bed.


My mother slowly opened the door and said "You all done, honey?"


"Good. You can go out to play. Be back by 8:45, take an umbrella with you just in case."


Once she left, I jumped to my feet and grabbed my jump rope and my umbrella from my closet.

I had to beat Anderson's record of 101 hoops without stopping.

Weird goal you might say. I know. But I don't care. Bringing down his ego at least a little would be worth the hard work, ya know?

I headed out to my bicycle and placed my things in the front basket. It was 7:22 so I had a good amount of time to practice. I rode swiftly and smiled as I felt the wind in my hair. 


After I had parked my bicycle. I kicked my sandals off and ran onto the soft grass and started hula hooping right away.

After 3 attempts of failing, I fell to the ground to catch my breath. 

As I rested, I could feel a strong wind starting, it felt like the beginning of a storm. I looked around but couldn't find any clouds in the sky nor was there any rain. 

Just as I was about to get back up, I saw a blinding light and felt a huge gush of air. 

I watched what seemed like a....spaceship landing? It had a bit of an unstable landing almost toppling over but it managed to land safely.

After its surrounding lights switched off, a small door opened abruptly and a weird green....thing stepped out. It had big black oval eyes, two antennae, a small mouth and a black spacesuit. I ran and hid behind a tree.

It stretched and immediately started walking in my direction.

I looked the other way, stood completely still and held my breath. 

I looked to my right..."AH-"

The green thing, wait, an alien? It was staring at me.

Before I could run away, it held my arm tightly. Oh no. This was the end, I wasn't even going to get a chance to beat Anderson or say bye to Mom and Dad.

"Hello Earthling. Please don't be afraid, I can sense your fear. I bring no harm but I need your help." it said.

I understood what it spoke but its voice was a bit high-pitched. I tried blinking hard in case it was my imagination but when I opened my eyes, he was still there. 

"Um...you need my help?"

"Yes, that is right. My spaceship has been damaged, I can not reach home to my family with it in this state. I landed just in time. I just need a few tools."

"Uh....okay. But-"

"Please do not ask me why I came to Earth. I just really need help."

I might as well see what he wants.

"Um, alright. What do you need?"

"Well, I need a screwdriver, a hammer and a metal scrap around this big." he said while showing me an approximate size with his hands.

I noticed that he let my hand go. This was my chance to run. 

"Okay, surrrrreeee. I'll definitely get it for you."

"Oh thank you! Please come back as fast as you can!"

"Uhh, yeah. Totttallllyyyy."

I quickly took my stuff and my bicycle, I cycled as fast I could. This was my lucky chance to run away....right?

I stopped. 

My spaceship has been damaged, I can not reach home to my family with it in this state.

Come to think of it, he never harmed or threatened me. Just like me, he has his own family. If I don't help him, somebody might see him and hurt him or they'll just leave him without helping.

So before I knew what I was doing, I found myself cycling at top speed. Once I reached home, I grabbed a screwdriver and a hammer from Dad's toolbox and a medium sized metal scrap from the old ones we had put in a box for any projects.

I dumped them in my basket and once again, rode my fastest. 

I reached the park and took my stuff as the bicycle fell to the ground. I ran and found him in the same spot. He look happy to see me and bowed in gratitude as he took the materials, he then unscrewed, hammered and screwed in the stuff until he finally looked satisfied.

He gave me back the hammer and screwdriver and took my hand.

"I never got to thank you, properly. Thank you so much. As a token of gratitude for helping me, here you go."

He slid a beautiful beaded bracelet onto my wrist..

"Please do not tell anybody about our encounter."

"Okay, I won't. Thank you for this bracelet, Mr......."

"Oh! My name is Blob."

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Blob. By the way, my name is-"

"Melanie, I know. It was nice meeting you too."

"Wait- What? How did you-"

But before I could ask him how he knew my name, he left and got into his spaceship which started successfully. As he flew up, a blinding light hit my eyes and everything went black.


I woke up to find myself in bed and my mother leaving. 

"M- Mom?"

"Oh! You're awake, honey. I'm sorry, I was trying to leave without disturbing you."

"When did I fall asleep?"

"Well, you finished all your work and you were exhausted so I found you in bed when I entered."

"What?! No, you allowed me to go play in the park. I remember, you also told me to be back by 8:45."

"Honey. I think you were dreaming. I told you no such thing, you were already asleep when I entered your room."


"Why don't you get some rest? You've had an exhausting day. I'm sure you'll be in the right mind tomorrow. Alright?"

I nodded as she left the room and slumped into my pillow, wondering what had happened to the alien and why my mother didn't remember letting me out to play. Maybe it was a dream, a weird one at that.

I shifted in bed and was about to turn off my night light when I noticed something familiar.

The bracelet. I slid it onto my wrist as I remembered the creature doing so. 

I closed my eyes and smiled.

Maybe it wasn't a dream after all.


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